Verse 1
The tomb is empty now
For Jesus is risen
Conquered the pow’r of death
The tomb is empty now
For Jesus has given
Life through His final breath
Crown Him King of kings
Crown Him Lord of life
The tomb is empty now
For Jesus is risen
Conquered the pow’r of death
Verse 2
The tomb is empty now
For Jesus is risen
Conquered the pow’r of sin
The tomb is empty now
For Jesus has given
Grace for a life in Him
Crown Him King of kings
Crown Him Lord of lords
The tomb is empty now
For Jesus is risen
Conquered the pow’r of sin
Verse 3
The tomb is empty now
For Jesus is risen
Reigning upon His throne
The tomb is empty now
For Jesus has given
Peace for the journey home
Crown Him King of kings
Crown Him Prince of Peace
The tomb is empty now
For Jesus is risen
Reigning upon His throne
Amy Branson Fata © 2010 Portion Music (ASCAP)
Now on the first day of the week Mary Magdalene came early to the tomb, while it was still dark, and saw the stone already taken away from the tomb.
John 20:1